Sunday, September 26, 2010

9/19 - 9/25: fun times with family and watching the roof and walls grow

caden, sleeping in his new bed, he just made, ......hmmmmm....not a bad idea, maybe we can do that in his new

Rylee, Dale, me and tina...... these are just super folks.  they wanted to come out and look at the place....they brought beverage for all and we had a little wine and cheese toast in the new place..... this is maryannes ex-husbands mom and dad...... they just love mary anne and in-turn have accepted me into there big family.... as well as my family........ and oh, yeah, they just finished building a fantastic place on Lake Austin which rivals the creme de la creme.....

hmmmmm.....well, lets enjoy ourselves as we look over our new aboad......

great room, looking at the fire place from the kitchen......

caden, lets go, time to go home so you can do number#2...... and of course, 24 hours later still wastn able to

front foyer up high, good plaxe for a sniper lookout 

there goes the master bedroom drop cieling...... a good thing, more room and better feel.....

9/16: walls and roof start taking shape,,,,.....

working out the long back window complex that will need re-enforced beams....

same long window system in back of house looking out

good looking dude...... 

stephanie and jeff.....chilling at the house....enjoying things

little man laughing..... with his buddy.....

stephanie and jeff agian...

hot women of the group....... signa, rylee, maryanne and carla.....

stephanie and rylee..... on the back patio ....having fun.....

Pasha and Signa, sisters, signa is married to tim, who is marryannes we are all related in a funny but nice way.....we all had a great time visiting....

kids enjoying the building

whew.......all of us....just chilling and enjoying a nice time, oh, yeah, time and doggie there on the right.....

all chatting .... the game//guest//kids room viewing...

9/15: going to Gold Class Cinemas back lighting idea for great room and bathroom unique

9/5 - 9/18: for a few days..... wall structure to roof

Wow, very smooth floor, clean look, even though its been raining like cats and dogs

back yard, showing septic tank PVC..... behind the to be pool area....

nice....from the back yard where the pool will the back patio area....of the house

from back yard to back patio....looking to the front of the house from the rear

guess where?....just kidding...from backyard looking to rear of house....

sweet.......its going up.......

8/15 - 9/14: opppsss forgot some foundation prep stuff

Yes, a lot of foundation preping going on...... oh, yeah...and im looking sexy showing things off

the garage

looking from the front yard to the font of the house

rebar being layed cross wise, this is not a tension pulled but rebar layed

yes, it me the sexy mamma of the house....

the view from the front overlooking our tucked in overlook to the cul de sac....and texas hill country.... at least till the next door houses are added